Original Tibetan replica Marpa Buddha statue in premium quality. Made in cast-bronze, then fully gilded and painted on the face. Replica statues are made from old molds that are rarely found today, as they used to be. Historical original statues that underlie these molds are now in museums. These figures differ significantly from today's conventional molds in shape, surface treatment and proportions.
Marpa (1012 - 1097) came from a farming family. At a young age he became a translator of Buddhist Sanskrit texts into Tibetan and therefore got the nickname "the translator". He made several years of pilgrimage and study trips to India, he also met the great Buddhist tantric Yogi Naropa (1016 - 1100). Naropa became his teacher in the mahamudra teachings and gave him tantric teachings. Naropa himself was a disciple of Tilopa (988 - 1069), who referred in his teachings to the transcendent Buddha Vajrdhara-Dorje Yang. Naropa appointed Marpa to be the master of Mahamudra teaching for Tibet. Marpa became the 1st Great Tibetan Tantra Master of the Kagyu School. His main student and successor was Milarepa and this transferred the inauguration of the Mahamudra doctrine to his most docile student Gampopa. Gampopa was the first monk among the Kagyu lineage and introduced regular monastic life. He had four main students among his many disciples and they founded the four major Kagyü schools: Karma Kagyu, Phagdru Kagyu, Barom Kayü, and Tshelpa Kagyü.