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damaru trommel

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  • damaru trommel


sku: bf-2802

Availability: In stock

Delivery Time: 2 working days

6 available

Product Name Qty
Damaru-blue-1 1
Damaru-yellow -1 2
Damaru-rot-1 1
Damaru - Prayer Drum - Green 2
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For details about the product "Damaru", please scroll down.


The Damaru is mainly used by Tibetan Monks in their Tantric Ceremonial music or prayer.
Damaru are stroken by rotating movements with the right hand. In former times it was built from two skullcaps.
It symbolize the opposites which define the movement of the universe by its rhythmn.
The Damaru emanate all kinds of sound and rhythmn. (look also at dancing Shiva - Nataraj / hindu statue).
The damaru has an average of 12 cm and is sold with brocade cover.


Produkttyp Musikinstrument
Farben Bunt
Material Holz Polyester
Herstellung Handarbeit
Qualität Standard
Musik Instrument Trommel Damaru
Land Nepal
Größe 12 cm